Za konec navajam še misel "fotografa s srcem" (John Carey -, v opomin teženju za tehnično dovršenostjo in perfekcionizmom, katerega stranski produkt je mnogokrat ta, da razcefra celoto, uniči zgodobo. Istega dne kot jaz rojeni Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, bi morda dejal "Bistvo je očem nevidno". Tudi drugi so že govorili o tem: "Gledajo, gledajo – pa ne vidijo!
"And one last note, while knowing more about photography and the technical side of it is a great thing, there is such a thing as taking it too far and letting yourself get totally consumed by the techie details. Don’t forget that photography is a highly personal art form and you should always remember to shoot from the ...heart. Do it for the love of doing it. Like any passion in life really. The trick is to get enough of the tech side in your mind for it to become instinct and move forward from there. Never stop exploring."