Pravljice niso samo za otroke. Tudi ne zgolj za odrasle. Za razmeroma preprosto zgodbo, namenjeno »pripovedovanju v polkrogu pred kaminom sedeči gručici otrok«, se skriva mnogo več. Z besedami Devina Browna: »Early in his essay On Fairy-Stories, Tolkien raises the question, 'What is the use of them?' One use for fairy-stories, he argues, is
recovery, and by this he means that these kind of stories help their readers to recover a proper sense of awe towards the commonplace. What we need, Tolkien writes, is to find a way to 'clean our windows' so that the ordinary things of this world can be seen without the film of 'triteness'. Tolkien claims that we have ceased to look at the common things of the world, and that fairy-stories help to move us from inattention to attention, and from indifference to appreciation.« (citirano iz odlične knjige zgoraj omenjenega avtorja z naslovom
The Christian World of the Hobbit)
Skozi oči pravljice povsem navadne stari utegnejo postati ... pravljične.
The wonder is that we can see these trees and not wonder more (Ralph Waldo Emerson). |